Broken dishwasher

A couple of days ago, the dishwasher started leaking all over the floor. I am currently living in a rental property managed by a real estate agent.

So I took some pictures and sent them along with an explanation to our real estate agent in the hope that we’d get the dishwasher fixed relatively quickly.

It was also a part of my plan to try to be a good tenant. I want to clearly communicate with the real estate agent so that we:

  1. Get things fixed in a timely manner

  2. Show a consistent respect for the property

  3. Are communicated with clearly back the other way.

The only problem is that I’m a little afraid my use of pictures in emails could be taken as:

“See!! Look!! It IS broken! And you have to do something about it!”

I can just imagine the conversation in the office.

“Here he goes again sending these bloody pictures! Yeah, we get it, you have an iPhone…”

“Look at this! Now he’s sent me a photo with a red circle and arrow pointing to the broken part! Does he think we’re stupid??”

I realise I’m being over the top. That’s pretty normal for me.