You Can and you Must Change your Stories

Ramit’s Sethi's 2018 manifesto on rewriting your story grabbed me by the scruff of my neck, sat me down, and made me listen. Go read it.

I believe that our lives are made up of stories. And I believe there are three kinds of stories that matter:

  • The stories we’re told.
  • The stories we believe.
  • And the stories we change.

It’s a pretty simple idea. Your whole perception of what goes on around you is based on these stories. How you react to things and the way you see others is all based on your stories. Some of the stories are hidden but you can use the mirroring tool I linked to yesterday to help find them.

Ramit points out that your stories don’t have to be hidden to have big unintended consequences. You might suddenly realise that something you’ve always identified with as ‘you’ isn’t true anymore.

Try to imagine you’ve built your entire identity on something, and suddenly, you realize it’s not true. Suddenly Mr. Hot Shit ain’t so hot.

Or maybe, day by day a story you wrongly believe is fucking you. It’s hard to change your stories:

Changing the story you tell yourself is viscerally uncomfortable because it means that (1) you might have to do the very thing you’ve created an identity around not doing, and (2) you might have been wrong about yourself for your entire life. It’s not just hard. It’s psychologically devastating.

But you must be capable of rewriting your stories. Things will always change around you. You will change. They’re just stories.

Ramit shares the three ingredients to “rewriting your story of a Rich Life” in more detail than this at the end of his post. Go read it. I implore you!

Rewriting your story of a Rich Life takes these three ingredients:

What if: Start your story with two words. What if?

You’re the hero: Make yourself the hero of your story by (1) having fun and (2) getting the help of other people around you.

Look to the future: Don’t dwell on the past or just focus on the present.