Show the Work

Regularly I hear the concern from people that they've "tried everything" or that they keep "falling off the wagon" with their diet. "If they could just stick with it, they'd be successful."

It sucks hearing this because there's usually also a significant amount of shame to go with it.

It's a cycle - do something that kind of 'works' (whatever that means) but it's too hard to sustain or doesn't take into account life's complications, so we stop when there's a hurdle. Then we beat ourselves up for not "just doing it" for a while until eventually we feel bad enough that something snaps and we desperately try something to feel better again. And usually that doesn't work that well because it's a decision we've made out of desperation and pain.

Obviously this isn't a good place to be. But we've all been there.

Show me one person who (supposedly) has their diet together who hasn't made a million mistakes. Tried things and had it not work. Realised that the goal they set just wasn't a good goal and had to reassess.

The thing is, these 'mistakes' are part of it.

Shame needn't hold us back. Feelings of shame absolutely hate being seen because being seen is what destroys them.

So show me the 'bad' work. Show me the experiments. Show me all the unexpected results.

The fact that we keep trying and 'failing' isn't something to hide, it's something to celebrate and learn from. It takes a powerful person to just keep curiously showing up and doing the work.